关于WCAG 3你需要知道的.0的指导方针?

By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins
WCAG 3.0的指导方针

关于WCAG 3你需要知道的.0的指导方针?

As technologies are evolving, accessibility standards must get revamped to serve users accurately. W3C supports a vast array of users’ needs and to keep pace with accelerating technological changes, 它已经准备好提供WCAG 3.无障碍标准.

The latest guidelines will provide more accessible content for users with every sort of disability including vision impairments, 听力损失, dexterity, 言语残疾, 感觉障碍, 认知和学习障碍, 或者是这些问题的组合.

WCAG 3.0 (W3C可访问性指南.0) 是WCAG 2的继承者.2和以前的版本,但它不反对WCAG 2.X. It will also include content from and partially extend User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 2.0和创作工具可访问性指南.0. 这些版本提供了更大范围的可访问性, however, transforming technologies and changing users’ needs required a new set of guidelines to make content more flexible and comprehensible.

最新的WCAG 3.2023年5月上映. But before it will arrive, let us know what is going to be new with this upcoming version.

WCAG 2系列会过时吗?

我们遵守WCAG 2.0 and 2.截至目前,网站的可访问性. 下一个版本 Web内容可访问性指南(WCAG.2 will probably hit the floor in December 2022, which will be the final version of the WCAG 2 series. 不过,没有必要恐慌,因为新的系列(3.0)可能会延迟. 即使按时发布,WCAG 2系列也不会被弃用.

两者都可能是平行标准. 因此,如果您的网站符合WCAG 2.2,它不会与WCAG 3进行测试.0,除非你想提高你网站的标准. 所以,WCAG 2系列不会有任何进展,3.这对我们来说是额外的优势.

WCAG 2的区别.x和WCAG 3.0:

WCAG 2.xWCAG 3.0
一致性等级(A, AA, AAA)一致性级别(铜、银、金)

WCAG 3的需要是什么.0?

无论何时发布最新版本, 这是一个比它的前辈更集中和先进的版本. 类似的,WCAG 3.0将解决当前版本中的瓶颈挑战. WCAG 3的关键原因.0释放的是:

  • 技术的变化

    WCAG 2.0早在2008年就发布了. 从那时起,技术已经发展到一个新的水平. 虽然版本2.我于2018年来到我们这里. 但技术正在以更快的速度变革. Therefore, the standards should be compatible with the new and modern technologies and devices.

    WCAG 3.0 might focus on mobile, wearable gadgets, and other Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. The Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (AGWG) is also getting into virtual and augmented reality. 并为了维持广阔的范围 网站的可访问性WCAG 3的名称.0与WCAG 2不同. WCAG 3是W3C可访问性指南.

  • 提高包容性

    到目前为止,WCAG的标准集中在有限的残疾问题上. 然而,还有许多其他用户有不同的问题. AGWG recognized the needs of such users and take the responsibility to provide complete accessibility.

    根据WCAG 3的编辑草稿.解释一下,残疾有功能分类,它们是

    • 视觉与视觉
    • 听觉和听觉
    • 感觉十字路口
    • Mobility
    • Motor
    • 物理和感官的交集
    • Speech
    • Attention
    • 语言及读写能力
    • Learning
    • Memory
    • Executive
    • 心理健康
    • 认知和感觉的交集

    这些是AGWG致力于在WCAG 3中涵盖的领域.0.

  • 可读性

    WCAG 2 series is a little hard to understand and which is why people does mistakes while working on accessibility standards. Since the stakeholders come from diverse backgrounds and distinct technical knowledge, 因此WCAG 3.0会很容易理解.

  • 现行标准的分类

    In WCAG 3.0时,WCAG 2系列的成功标准称为结果.

    看看WCAG 2的两个标准吧.2:

    • #成功标准2.4.标题和标签:标题和标签描述主题或目的.
    • #成功标准2.4.章节标题:章节标题组织内容.

    这两个将在WCAG 3中合并.0. 因此,Heading结果看起来是这样的

    • 结构化内容
    • 指南:使用章节、标题和小标题来组织内容.
    • Outcome: Headings organize content into logical blocks with headings relevant to the subsequent content. 这使得内容更容易定位和更快速地导航信息.
    • The augmentation of headings and sections into a sole Outcome and moving the labels out is an impressive change because WCAG 2.2充满了标签.


    In WCAG 2 series, the result of the success criteria test is pass or fail, and no more other option. 得分是基于 WCAG合规等级A、AA和AAA. 一个网站至少需要满足AA标准才能合规, AAA是网站的一个额外优势.

    In WCAG 3.0, 计分方式不同, 而且分数不仅仅是基于标准, 还有功能范畴. In short, the final score depends on how well a website and its content accommodate users with learning, speech, 记忆挑战.

更多关于WCAG 3的信息.0计分制

Before you get into the scoring system, let’s know a few added terms that are introduced in WCAG 3.0.

  • 原子测试: 可访问性测试可以手动或自动完成. For instance, test against the 成功的标准 of the WCAG 2 series or the Outcomes in WCAG 3.0.

  • 整体测试: These are the real-world accessibility tests, that mainly occur with assistive technology tools. The holistic tests require to have higher scoring because they are customer acceptance tests.

  • 功能类别: 正如文章中提到的.

  • Rating: The grades are given for individual Outcomes, functional categories, and the final average score.

  • 一致性: 三个一致性级别是-铜,银和金.

  • 关键错误: If an individual Outcome violet the accessibility standard and results in a critical error, 则对应标准的评级为0.


每个结果都有0到4之间的评分. 0只是一个不及格的分数,尽管每个分数都有一个阈值. As mentioned above, if there is any critical error for an Outcome, it will get a Zero.


  • Rating 0 – (Very Poor) if less than 60% of all the images have proper alt texts or there is some critical error in the process.

  • 评分1 -(差)60%到69%的图片有全部文字,没有严重错误.

  • Rating 2 – (Fair) 70 to 79% of all images have alt texts and no critical error.

  • Rating 3 – (Good) 80 to 94% of all images have alt texts and no critical error in the process.

  • Rating 4 – (Excellent) 95 to 100% of all images have proper alt texts and no critical error in the process.

评级将取决于所有结果的平均得分, 这个网站的最终得分是多少. 最后的分数将决定该网站的一致性.


Functional Categories Rating is not clear as of now because each Outcome has a set of Functional Categories that will be addressed by the standards. Since every Outcome gets a Rating and all the Outcomes have Functional Categories associated with them, maybe the average of each Functional Category score will be that Outcome’s score.


如上所述,三个一致性级别是铜牌、银牌和金牌. 然而,目前尚不清楚网站将如何获得这些级别.

AGWG工作草案说青铜级是最低的一致性级别. If content does not meet the requirements of even bronze level, then it will not conform to WCAG 3.0.


Bronze: The total score of content and score within the functional categories must be at least 3.5、视图和进程不能有严重错误.

Silver: All views should fulfil the bronze criteria and the holistic test will play a significant role that we will get to know in a future draft.

Gold: All views must fulfil silver criteria and the use of the holistic test will be clear in a future draft.

在WCAG 3之前你应该做什么.0被释放?

虽然现在准备WCAG 3还为时过早.0、不断更新内容是没有害处的. 无论版本如何,WCAG总是优先考虑可访问性. 到WCAG 3的时候.0将到达,坚持以下步骤.

  • 符合WCAG 2.1,并开始寻找版本2.2. 如果内容符合2.版本2,然后跳到版本3.没有问题.

  • 请继续检查即将发布的版本的AGWG更新.

  • 准备好做出改变.

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